Saturday, March 28, 2009

Time for planting and watching the crocuses and daffodils pop their little heads up. I am looking forward to warmer weather and being outdoors.

I have been busy setting up my spice and preserves shop on etsy. When I have time I am getting all my spices pictured and up on the site. I hate taking the pictures, never have been a photographer. My girls love taking pics, they have them everywhere. No such thing as digital cameras back when my kiddos were young. It was expensive to have pictures developed.

Well, check out my spicy shop on etsy,please. I will have over 75 different spices,nuts and seeds eventually.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Oh those blogs.......

I have been checking out blogs today.
My daughter has a new one, check it out,

Someday, perhaps mine will be as interesting as hers. She is a seamstress, does window treatments mostly but CAN do anything with a needle. I remember when her twin boys were newborn and rather than go back to her job she looked for something she could do at home and got herself a curtain job and it began from there. She has had a successful business for over 20 years.
When she was 16 she asked for a sewing machine for Christmas----she was very surprised when she got it.

I have been working on some new spring bags and have a couple of quilts in the works.
Though I do not work as fast or as much as I used to it is still what I do every day. The TV holds no fascination for me, books and the computer are my friends, and, of course, my sewing machines.

My grandchildren are the lights of my life, some I see more than others and I cherish them all.

Well, off to see what the Quiltsy Team is up to..........