Thursday, September 3, 2009

Berries and more berries....

I have been picking blackberries and raspberries on the property here----hoping to get enough to make a couple batches of jam. Last week I made samples of salsa, orange marmalade and spicy corn relish for the Out of the Box Sampler. I sent samples of spices the first 2 months I was in the boxes, since I only signed up to do 3 months I thought 4 ounce jar samples would be a good thing.
Hopefully there will be some business from it.

Glad the blackberry season is over, my body is all scratched up. I saw some blackberries at Whole Foods and they were $19.95 a pound so I forced myself to pick every day of August.

My tomatoes have finally started to ripen, we put 3 plants in a BIG pot and 2 small plants in a topsy turvy, cannot say it is a better way to grow. The tomatoes are late due to all the rain and lack of sunshine. Hope the frost does not get them before i can make my salsa, it is soooo much better with fresh tomatoes.

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